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Protocol Buffers

A language- and platform-neutral data serialization format that is used to transmit data between different services and systems. It is designed to be fast, compact, and efficient, and is often used in large-scale distributed systems.

- Protocol Buffers in Typescript

It's possible to use Protocol Buffers with TypeScript! There are several libraries available that provide TypeScript support for Protocol Buffers, such as protobufjs, grpc-web, and ts-protoc-gen.

protobufjs is a popular library that provides a complete implementation of the Protocol Buffers specification for JavaScript and TypeScript. It allows you to define your message types using the Protocol Buffers language, and provides APIs for encoding and decoding messages in both binary and JSON formats.

grpc-web is another library that provides support for Protocol Buffers in TypeScript. It is specifically designed for use with gRPC, a remote procedure call framework that uses Protocol Buffers for message serialization.

ts-protoc-gen is a TypeScript plugin for the protoc Protocol Buffers compiler. It generates TypeScript code from your Protocol Buffers message definitions, which you can then include in your TypeScript project.

So in short, yes, you can use Protocol Buffers with TypeScript, and there are several libraries available that make it easy to do so!