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App Service overview

Microsoft Azure overview

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform and service provided by Microsoft. It offers a wide range of services such as virtual machines, databases, analytics, storage, networking, and more. It provides businesses and individuals with the ability to deploy, manage and scale applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers.

Azure App Service overview

Azure App Service is a fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering from Microsoft Azure for building, deploying, and scaling web apps, mobile app backends, and RESTful APIs. It supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, including .NET, Node.js, Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby, as well as the ability to run custom Docker containers.

Azure App Service provides features such as automatic scaling, load balancing, continuous deployment, and integration with other Azure services. It also includes built-in support for authentication and authorization, SSL encryption, and monitoring and diagnostics.

With Azure App Service, developers can focus on building their applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. They can easily deploy their code from their preferred source code repository, and Azure App Service takes care of the rest, including scaling, load balancing, and monitoring.

Azure App Service is designed to support both enterprise-level applications and small startups, making it a versatile and flexible option for developers looking to build and deploy web and mobile applications.